Banking Services

Risk management, Financial products, Anti-fraud, Asset Based Lending
Banking Services
Risk management, Financial products, Anti-fraud, Asset Based Lending
In recent years, banking and capital investment entities have been growing the complexity of their structures and services, embracing digitalisation and constantly shifting clients' needs.

The creation and management of banking services require very specific know-how. This is also true for the specificity of banking compliance and the relationship with the different controlling entities that supervise their activity.
SSC helps to re-envision the products, banking operations, strategy on new markets using its solid knowledge and experience in the key areas of banking activities, such as: front office, back office and organization, IT and banking compliance.

How we can help

  • Bank business development
  • Development of new corporate products
  • IT platform development and management on the trading floor and in operation
  • Set up of factoring and leasing companies with traditional structure or within peer-to-peer platform
Risk management & compliance
  • Development of credit risk models
  • Development of operational risk models
  • Asset Based Lending
  • Basel agreements compliance
  • Anti-money laundering systems
Read more about Corporate Crime Prevention & Anti-bribery Assessment solutions.
Francesco Sacchi
Head of Banking practice, finance and risk management expert
Francesco Sacchi is a Senior Partner with SSC. Francesco has been working in factoring since 1983. He acquired experience at such companies as Ifitalia, Mediofactoring, Eurofactor, developing managerial career which has permitted him to manage directly the most part of the productive and governmental processes typical to such enterprises and, generally, to the enterprises in banking & finance sector. Performing this professional activity, he managed to develop numerous models of financing of supply chain systems for the benefit of different economic sectors.

Francesco has been Coordinator of the Assifact Legal Commission and a Member of the Council and Executive Committee of the Association during 2005-2008. He has coordinated work groups designated to elaborate the associative position related to all the normative evolutions relevant to the sector (introduction of the precautionary surveillance, risk management, transparency, privacy, usury, VAT, Basel 2, application of the accounting principles IAS/IFRS). Since 2009 Francesco works as Consultant providing companies with administrative and organisational consulting.

He graduated in Political Sciences from the University of Milan.
Marcello Messina
Deputy Head of Banking practice. Risk Management and Asset Management expert
Marcello is a Senior Partner with SSC. He operates in the banking and finance sector since 1978, with a wide and varied experience in both the Risk Management and Asset Management, in various forms of corporate use (loans, leasing, factoring, trade and structured finance), gained in top positions in several Italian and foreign banking groups (BNL Group, Deutsche Bank, Capitalia, UniCredit, Barclays), thus developing a deep knowledge of international markets. He was responsible for the start-up of factoring activities for the Capitalia Group and for those of asset-based lending, including factoring, for the Barclays Group. Marcello was also General Manager of Fineco Leasing and a member of both the Board and the Executive Committee of the Assifact from 2000 to 2015. Marcello speaks Italian and has a working knowledge of English language.

Marcello graduated in Agricultural Science & Engineering from University of Milan.